Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Ten Commandments and their presents in our Government

The Ten Commandments and their presents in our Government
We are supposed to be a government that separates its church and state, yet there are many instances to where it is not true. The Ten Commandments are everywhere we look. But there is a constant argument going on that church and state are not supposed to be connected.
Some major places that you can find our state and church link together are our money, the pledge of allegiance, and the Supreme Court building. Our money is still being printed with “in god we trust,” and when the new one dollar coins came out and they moved it to being printed on the side of the coin and not on the front of it where it was previously printed. Many people were upset that it didn’t say it any longer because they thought it had been removed completely, but then people found out that it did say it, and they were ok with it being that way. In addition, a couple years back when the pledge of allegiance was being said in a classroom of a girl who was atheist, the father sued because his little girl was told she had to say it. Now in classrooms teachers can’t make their students say it, but they can make them stand for it. In my experience many student will say it and will leave out “under god,” and say the rest. Likewise, the Ten Commandments are written in the Supreme Court building. They have been there forever; if the argument of separation in church and state continues and proceeds will they have to fix a building that has been that way since day one?
So if the church and state are not supposed to be connected at all then why can we find it everywhere? Our country started as a very religious country. It has always been that way, and now that we are such a diverse country people are starting to speak up about it more and more. Is it ok for our church and state to be associated with one another, since our founding fathers were so religious and they framed our country to be what it is. Or should we conform to no relation between the two because today is not the same as it was back when our country was formed? I’m not sure that either of those questions can ever be answered, by our government or us personally. It is not written anywhere that church and state should be separated. But we all argue that they should. I am not for or against it. In some instances I feel that they should be separate and in others I feel that they should be together.

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