Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Young people are rockin' the vote - at last

Young people are rockin' the vote - at last
Written by Stphen Winn
Febuary 12, 2008

Stephen Winn talks about how the younger population is finally coming out and voting, to hopefully make the world a better place for them to live in. He blames the baby boomers era for screwing everything up. He mentions how they have allowed our government to get caught up in two different wars. He also says that the baby boomers have asked the government to buy stuff that isn’t really needed, which in return makes the national debt sky high. This Man has some very good points.
I completely agree with his article. As he mentions that there have been numerous signs that there is a need to reform social security and Medicare, and yet still haven’t done anything. Since our government hasn’t done anything to fix this, us youngsters are going to have to pay it. When all of our parents go in to retirement and start collecting their social security, it is going to put more strain on the government, and then they are going to raise taxes. Raising taxes is going to help the government get more money and make it harder for us to live in this world, and actually make it.
I like how President Bush has his No Child Left behind Act, but because the government hasn’t done anything to improve our debt, that many children will not be able to go to college because we won’t be able to pay for it. With the government stepping in, this problem is getting worse. Our government needs to stop stepping in to the states problems, and fix there own problems. With our government making all of these problems, and not fixing them our countries name is pretty much mud around the world, as Winn mentions.
As Winn states that President Obama speaks about unity and fixing our national problems, it is catching the ears of college students. This leads us to the recent spike in young voters. I know personally that I was never interested, and because of the internet and television, spreading the news so fast it has made it much easier to follow the races. This time around we are not going to sit around and watch and see what happens, we are going to do something about it. With all of the younger people voting the out comes of the presidential race may be very different than everyone expects it to be.

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